Social Responsibility |
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South African Guide-Dogs Association
In 2008 we decided to sponsor a guide-dog instead of giving the usual December gifts. The South African Guide
–Dogs Association for the Blind was approached with this aim in mind. Our first
Golden Labrador was chosen. “Wallace”, who, was featured in the 2008 catalogue.
Due to the great response that we had from customers and experiencing the huge
difference a dog like “Wallace” can make in a handicapped persons life, it was
then decided to sponsor a new dog every year. To date 6 Guide Dogs have been
Click Here to visit
A monthly contribution is paid to the Booysens SPCA in sponsor of a kennel. These funds provide the animal
staying in that kennel with shelter, food and a warm blanket.
Click Here to visit
Ishishini Business Association Secondary Co-operative Limited
A total of 1890 metres of quality fabric was donated to Ishishini with a value of over R80,000.00
Ishishini is a community based organisation that trains people in skills that enable them to make a living.
Using local unemployed individuals the fabric is converted into items that are then sold. In this way
manufacturing and business skills are acquired and the upliftment of the
community is promoted.
Boys and Girls Town
Boys and Girls town, formally Boys Town is sponsored on a monthly basis. Based in Rustenberg youngsters from
troubled backgrounds are educated and cared for at this establishment. The
success rate of the students is phenomenal and many go on to higher education
and end up leading highly productive and worthwhile lives.
Batsogile Primary School
Through contact with LeadSA, 702Radio and The Star newspaper 80 Chair Bags were donated to Batsogile Primary
The bags are used by the Grade 1 classes to hang behind their chairs and organise their school equipment and
personal belongings
Dwarf City & Crossover Remedial School
Dwarf City Nursery School and Crossover Remedial School are based in the south of Johannesburg.
Using our own fabric, our seamstresses sewed up 140 Chair Bags which the pupils use to store books,
stationary and personal items in. The bags hang behind their chairs and are very
popular with the children. In addition, office chairs were donated to Dwarf City
for the use by the teachers along with an overhead projector.
Staff Training
We regularly send our staff for training at Skills to Furnish. They are taught skills that are used on a
daily basis in both the Seats Ahead and Furniko factories.